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19 Replies to “我是歌手-第二季-第10期-G.E.M.邓紫棋《Falling》-【湖南卫视官方版1080P】20140314”

  1. Craig Bull says:

    I just keep on falling in love with GEM, there’s never any falling out of love with you. Such a goddess, the most amazing voice of any singer ever to Grace this earth. Nobody compares to her, no one can come close to her vocals, she brings such emotion to her songs, truly amazing.

  2. Thumbnail = Chinese Shakira

  3. I some body come to me and say I should give up my life for her I will do it . I am your die hard fan

  4. This girl drives me up a tree.

  5. boyka says:


  6. Roy Repie says:

    She has iron lungs 🙂❤️👍

  7. 👍👍👍👍👍😃

  8. FaLLing👍👍👍👍👍

  9. 陳靜玲 says:


  10. Michelle Yue says:

    This is my fav song and i kept listening like 100 times. LOVE YOU SM GEM

  11. Scott Kuo says:

    🙄️⋯⋯這歌毀了….慘暴了 X的…被禁錮的靈魂 ….

  12. 趙國安 says:


  13. Getrido says:


  14. IFISHVIDEO says:

    極具霸氣的演出,整季內她最高難度一首,同時處理vocal(坐着的)和piano, 揮灑自如的巨肺唱功,且要和伴奏樂配合,無懈可擊!

  15. ACHVACTAB1 says:

    Don't test a pro: Normally you will loose to excellence : Not her first rodeo

  16. Mei Siang says:


  17. 琪琳 陳 says:


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